
Saturday, October 3, 2015

COSMO.PH The Aldub Phenomenon In Under 3 Minutes

ALDUB Phenomenon 101
ALDUB Phenomenon 101

Are you a ALDUB newbie? If yes, here's your ALDUB 101 class under 3 minutes and know the hottest noontime show craze in the Philippines today.

To add ALDUB is also talking about serious topics in a very entertaining and funny way through Lola Nidora.  A topic such as the aggressiveness of the younger generation when it comes to relationship results? Teenage pregnancy and single moms at a very, very young age.  The improper use of power and money to manipulate people.

The show is bringing back traditional Filipino values like respect, obedience to Parents and word of honor.

ALDUB has so many positive influences and inspiring the younger generation to be creative and responsible.

This video was uploaded to YouTube by COSMOPOLITANPH
Click here to watch the video on YouTube

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